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Email Integration

Expand your marketplace and enhance brand recognization via email marketing.

  1. Email Settings:

    • Flow Chart: The process of configuring email in Xcode ERP involves several steps, resulting in efficient correspondence with clients, suppliers, and team members.
    • Benefits:
      • Seamless Communication: Send and receive emails directly from Xcode ERP.
      • Personalization: Customize email templates.
      • Auto-Replies: Set up automatic responses.
      • Scheduled Notifications: Enhance productivity by scheduling email notifications.
  2. Email Inbox:

    • The Email Inbox feature pulls all your business emails into your Xcode ERP account.
    • Benefits:
      • Access business emails alongside other transactional details.
      • Xcode ERP becomes a single platform for managing all business information.
    • To configure Email Inbox for a user:
      1. Create a user in Xcode ERP.
      2. Set up an email domain (if not using predefined services like Gmail, Yahoo, etc.).
      3. Create an email account for the user.
      4. Link the email account to the user.
      5. Users can access the Email Inbox view within Xcode ERP to manage received emails.
  3. Email Account:

    • You can manage multiple incoming and outgoing email accounts in Xcode ERP.
    • Prerequisites:
      • Ensure you have an email domain (unless using predefined services).
    • Steps to create an email account:
      1. Go to the Email Account list and click “New.”
      2. Enter the email address with the domain.
      3. Set the email account password.
      4. Save the account.
      5. If credentials are correct, the email account will sync.
      6. Additional options include using different login IDs, awaiting passwords, and ASCII encoding for passwords.
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